Russkiy Toy
Baialyn iz mira älf
German Champion VDH
German Champion Club VK
German Juniorchampion VDH
German Juniorchampion Club VK
European-Junior-Winner 2013
State NRW Junior Winner 2013
Spring Junior Winner 2013
owner: Martina Kuhlmann
breeder: G.L. Trusova, Moscow, Russia
*20th of July 2012
23 cm
2,0 kg
6/6 scissor bite
PL 0/0, VDH testing sheet from 14.11.2013
predicate breeding license 07.12.2013
Baialyn iz mira älf is called Baya. She is a very lively, friendly and funny little lady. She has quickly integrated into our little pack and thrilled us again and again with her exuberant joy! Especially she has befriended with Enie, she plays with her the most and she prefer Altyn to cuddle!