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News 2020


Some updates, look at successes of Fanny, Ely, Singo and Thor. 


We decided that „Indy“ stay at home, we love him a lot and he is with sister „Perfy“ our future in our kennel.


The prospective for „Indy“ (Indyondil Zhivoy) fell in love with our „Hera“ and since she lives only 10 minutes away from us, I let her move into co-ownership. She will be the princess there, I am very happy for Hera and the Stiegemann family!

Therefore „Indy“ is still looking for his dream home. I would be very happy to find people who are interested in show him from time to time. Sport doesn’t have to be, but it can!


Joy and sorrow are so close together, where one life begins, the other ends. We had to say goodbye to our beloved „Muckimaus“ diva on Sunday, May 17th, 2020, 4 days after her 12th birthday.


Hooray, yesterday on May 6th, 2020 between 19:30 and 21:30 4 healthy and strong (592-492 g) puppies were born. There are 2 males 1 x black, 1 x red and 2 girls also 1 x black and 1 x red. Both girls are not available.


girl, boy, girl, boy


We have the confirmation via ultrasound. Uschi is pregnant! We are happy to get 3 healthy and strong puppies. Have a look at „Litterplanning“


The 2nd coursing this year was the 1st DWZRV winner coursing in Tüttleben. We were there with Ely, Singo and Fanny. After the first round, Ely and Fanny were tied for second place out of 13 bitches. With this she got her 4th CACC and is now in the waiting period for German Coursing Champion. Ely showed a nice second run, but the pressure decreased over the last 150 m, for whatever reason (just before her heat) what made her fall back to 6th place, but that’s not bad either. Fanny was able to defend her 2nd place with a great, especially fast run. And Singo, I love him so much and with this coursing I understood why he always does his own thing on the coursing field. You could see it very clearly, he is playing with the lure. For him it is not a hunting object, every hare should fear for his life but this plastic one is not a hare for him but rather another dog. I always wondered what was going on in his head when he was acting like that on the coursing field. I always wanted to know so that I could understand him better. There is nothing better when you understand your dogs and I am very grateful for this revelation and love him all the more! How we will handle it soon I do not know if a sighthound should show his hunting instinct and not play instinct but it is so much fun for him and he loves to come along with us, especially since he also finished 4th out of 5 males. We will see!


The year started well but also badly. We were with Ely (Enelyë), Volna and Thor for snow coursing in the Stubaital / AT. Ely was able to secure 2nd place for the second time (last year) with Res.CACIL of 17 bitches. After a very long break and 15 weeks after her litter, Volna was allowed to join in again, which was obviously a lot of fun for her. She took the 12th place but got the highest speed score of all runs of 22 Borzoi. Not bad for a nearly 6 year old girl!

Unfortunately, Thor injured his toe in the second round. Good that is not as bad as expected, but we decided that if the toe healed completely, Thor would only go on the race track. But we are happy about the CACIL, now he is C.I.C. international Racing Champion.

And „Socke“ Falmarin iz mira älf from the Gierschek family took 1st place out of 5 males with CACIL! These were very exciting runs full of incidents, which he mastered confidently.