NEWS 2023
We were to the Autum Coursing at the Ronostrand in Een in the Netherland. It was nice but long day. We are very happy and very pround of Fanny. Just like last autum she was this coursing with CACIL, CACNL and BOB out of 11 females. Our „little“ Kuru had his debute and also of him we are very pround he got the 2nd place from 7 males.
We are sooooo sad. Fanny is not pregnat, not real, she has 1 bubble in her belly but it is empty. She got a little bit help to resorbate this. But she feels very well!
We were in Finland from August 4th to 11th, 2023 to have a nice vacation but that wasn’t the main reason. We, or rather Fanny, wanted to visit her groom “Rex” Tsaarikon Aleksanteri Suuri! They had a picture-perfect wedding dance. Now we have to wait to see if Fanny has also recorded. Fingers and paws crossed!

Fanny & Rex
At the German Winner, Fanny won the working class and received the VDH. Now she is German Champion VDH.
Michael was to the coursing in Gelsenkirchen with Masha. She got the 4th place out of 10 mixed Borzois.
Since Kuru already has 2 JCACs, I also wanted to try it in Gelsenkirchen to get the 3rd JCAC for the youth champion. And it worked. Kuru received the JCAC, JVDH and JBOB and also the JBIS III. We are very pleased and proud! Now he is German Junior Champion DWZRV!
The association winners weekend was coming up. I only exhibited Kuru. Here he was able to secure his 2nd victory in the youth class with JCAC, JVDH and the title “Association Youth Winner 2023”. At the race the day after Fanny & Singo started. After the first run I decided to cancel the second run for both because, Fanny was limping a little bit and Singo is 7 years old and it was a very hot day.
The highlight of the year was the Coursing World Championships in Kristianstadt/Sweden. After the first round, Fanny was on 11th place out of 31 bitches. I was hoping for an improvement in 2nd and yes Fanny was able to work her way up to 3rd place and thus made it to the podium. How incredibly proud we are of this hard-working dog!!! For Django, our little, fast Italian, the curves were a bit too tight. He came in a respectable 16th place out of 39 males. This were great few days with dear friends, acquaintances and even people you didn’t know!
The Borzoi Annual Exhibition 2023 took place in Freiburg, with the race on Sunday. I think we did pretty well. Kuru received EXC1 JCAC, JVDH in the junior class and received the title “Annual Junior Winner 2023”. Fanny was totally exhausted, but was able to win EXC2, Res.VDH. She also received the title of “Most Beautiful Head Borzoi Bitches”. The race was the next day. Actually, usually I don’t let her run on thelong distance anymore because she always lets off the gas before coner 3. This time she took off the gas again, but when she was overtaken, she stepped on the gas again and overtook them again, but before turn 4 it wasn’t that important to her and she let herself fall back again. Out of 5 bitches she came on 3rd place, with the result of the exhibition making her “Annual Winner for Beauty & Performance”. We are very happy about that. Singo also competed in the male category. He was able to keep up well but also slowed down in turn 3 as expected 🙂 He came 5 out of 5 males, well done Singo! There were so many great wins and prizes, wow – thank you!
We went to the Short Distance Championship in Freiburg with Fanny and Django. It was a double victory. Fanny is now German Whort Distance Champion in 2022 and 2023, but Django was also able to win the title! Top!
Masha and Django took part in the Easter coursing in Hoope. Masha came 6th again and Django 2nd.
Masha and Django took part in the Easter Coursing in Hoope. Masha came 6th again and Django 2nd.
In Issum we show Masha and Kuru. EXC2 Res VDH for Masha in the Intermediate Class and EXC3 in the Junior Class for Kuru.