NEWS 2022
Yeah, Fanny (Falanyel) is German Short Distance Champion 2022. Mixed in a strong field of 5, she was able to take the lead in both runs with a gap of 2 lengths. In the pre-run Singo (Elwë Singollo) came on 3rd place. He would have done that also at the final, if another fellow runner hadn’t pushed him so hard and vehemently that he had to drop back. But he didn’t let that deter him and ran through. Since the fellow runner received a disqualification because of this, Singo came in 4th place, I’m very proud of my heart dog!
The puppies are now 10 weeks old. Kiryando and Kalimaira moved out yesterday. We wish them a wonderful life with the new families. Kirdan and Kuruni will be picked up next week. Kuro is looking for a suitable home again. In addition, Hera (Herenya Arwen) has been living with us again since mid-April. We are also looking for a suitable home for her. Everything else on the personal page.
Fanny and Ely have qualified for the Coursing Championship again, this time it is for the first time a World Championship. Michael will drive with them with a good friend to Kalajoki/Finnland.
Hurray, our K-Litter is born. We have 4 males and 2 females.
We have wonderful news. Have a look at „Litterplaning“.

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